The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mitigating Business Risks - 9 Strategies Revealed
The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mitigating Business Risks - 9 S…
Can your business withstand unexpected crises, or are you leaving it vulnerable to unforeseen threats? In this episode of Things Entreprene…
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July 03, 2024

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mitigating Business Risks - 9 Strategies Revealed

Can your business withstand unexpected crises, or are you leaving it vulnerable to unforeseen threats? In this episode of Things Entrepreneurs Should Know, you'll learn essential risk mitigation strategies that every business...

Can your business withstand unexpected crises, or are you leaving it vulnerable to unforeseen threats? In this episode of Things Entrepreneurs Should Know, you'll learn essential risk mitigation strategies that every business owner needs in their toolkit. From identifying and assessing risks to creating robust risk management plans, we cover all the bases to help you safeguard your enterprise. We'll also delve into the importance of investing in various types of insurance and bolstering your cybersecurity measures through employee education and regular software updates.

But that's not all—discover why diversifying your supply chain and implementing stringent financial controls are game-changers for protecting your business. Lastly, we underscore the significance of a well-prepared business continuity plan to ensure your operations remain steady even during crises.

Want to discuss anything in this week’s episode? Just send an e-mail to You can also follow us on Instagram and join our community on Facebook for bonus tips to grow your business,.

And be sure to check out our website at for bonus content and other tips to help you grow your business while enjoying the lifestyle you’re entitled to.

Disclaimer: This podcast and related materials are designed only to provide general information regarding the subject matter discussed during the podcast episodes. The statutes, authorities, and other laws cited in this podcast are subject to change. This podcast and related materials are not intended to provide tax, accounting, legal, or other professional advice to any specific person or entity. Any advice or opinion regarding the application of the subject matter for a specific person or entity should be provided by a competent professional advisor based on an application of the appropriate law and authorities to the facts and circumstances applicable to that person or entity.


00:00 - Effective Risk Mitigation Strategies

08:35 - Business Growth Podcast Wrap-Up


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You'll also want to educate your employees about phishing, scams, password security and safe online practices.

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I work with a client as their outsourced CFO and virtually every week I get an email from the quote sign CEO asking to change his banking information before the next payroll.

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Hey, Chip Schweiger here.

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Welcome to another edition of the Things Entrepreneurs Should Know, the business podcast for entrepreneurs, founders and business owners who want to build lasting financial value and supercharge the growth of their business.

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You've built a great business and things seem to be going well.

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You're scaling and creating a business that can thrive without you.

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And then bam, a cyber attack or natural disaster, or someone sues you for negligence and, before you know it, your life's work is in jeopardy.

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Risk is a part of doing business, but with the right approach, you can manage and minimize it effectively.

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So today on the show, we're diving into a critical topic for every business owner risk mitigation strategies.

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Whether you're running a small startup or managing a large enterprise, understanding how to manage risks is essential for your long-term success.

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We'll discuss the areas where you're most likely exposed and how to close the gap on each of them.

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Now, I'm fairly risk adverse, so I'll give you a comprehensive list If you're like me.

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I think it'll help, and don't worry, we'll still do it all in about 10 minutes After the episode.

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Check out the show notes at teskpod.

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Hi and welcome back.

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Let's begin this week by defining risk mitigation.

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Simply put, risk mitigation involves identifying potential risks to your business and taking steps to reduce the impact of those risks.

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It's all about being proactive rather than reactive, so I'm going to give you nine tips you can apply to seriously reduce your risk profile, and I think you'll find this is going to help you sleep better at night.

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So let's go.

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The first one should make sense, and it's to identify and assess risks.

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The first step in any risk mitigation plan is to identify and assess potential risks.

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Any risk mitigation plan is to identify and assess potential risks.

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This involves taking a close look at your business operations, financials, market conditions and external factors, and you start with this by conducting a risk assessment.

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List out all potential risks, from natural disasters to cyber attacks, to market fluctuations, to tax positions and exposure.

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Now, not all risks are created equal, so you'll want to prioritize them, rank them based on their likelihood and potential impact on your business.

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Two develop a risk management plan Once you've identified and assessed your risks.

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The next step is to develop a comprehensive risk management plan, and here we're really focusing on risk avoidance.

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Where possible, avoid risks altogether.

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For instance, if a particular market is too volatile, you might choose not to enter it.

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If you're also interested in risk reduction, you'll want to implement measures to reduce the likelihood or impact of risks.

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This could include installing security systems, training employees or diversifying your supply chain.

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The third part of your risk management plan is risk sharing.

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The goal here is to transfer some of the risk to third parties.

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This is often done through insurance or outsourcing certain operations.

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And the last part of your risk mitigation strategy is deciding on risk retention.

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Accept some risks as part of doing business, especially if the cost of mitigation is higher than the potential loss.

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Okay, the third tip is to invest in insurance.

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Insurance is one of the most effective ways to manage risk.

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It provides a financial safety net in case of unexpected events.

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General liability insurance protects against claims of injury or property damage.

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Professional liability insurance covers legal costs related to professional mistakes or negligence.

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Property insurance protects your physical assets, such as buildings and equipment, from damage or theft.

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And cyber insurance covers losses related to cyber attacks and data breaches.

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And while we're on the topic, in today's world, cyber attacks are increasing.

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In today's digital age, cybersecurity is a top concern for businesses of all sizes.

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So my fourth tip is to strengthen your cybersecurity measures.

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Here are some steps you can take Ensure all your systems and software are up to date with the latest security patches and regular software updates.

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You'll also want to educate your employees about phishing, scams, password security and safe online practices.

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I work with a client as their outsourced CFO and virtually every week I get an email from the quote sign CEO asking to change his banking information before the next payroll.

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Also, data encryption allows you to encrypt sensitive data to protect it from unauthorized access and this is not just for companies anymore and also regularly backup your data and store it in a secure off-site location.

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The number five tip is to diversify your supply chain.

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Relying on a single supplier or market can be risky.

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Diversifying your supply chain can help you manage risk related to supply disruptions, so you'll want to have multiple suppliers to ensure you have alternatives if one faces issues.

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You'll also need geographical diversification Source products from different geographical locations to mitigate risks related to regional disruptions.

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The number six tip is to implement strong financial controls.

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Strong financial controls are essential for minimizing risks related to fraud, theft and financial mismanagement.

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And you do this three ways Conduct regular internal and external audits to identify and address financial discrepancies.

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Get good segregation of duties.

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Identify and address financial discrepancies.

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Get good segregation of duties, and what I mean by that is ensure that no single employee has control over all aspects of a financial transaction.

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And third, regularly update your budget and financial forecast to reflect changing conditions.

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Now my seventh tip is a bit more work, but it's worth it, and that's to develop a business continuity plan.

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A bit more work, but it's worth it, and that's to develop a business continuity plan.

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A business continuity plan ensures that your business can continue operating during and after a crisis, and it, too, has three components Identifying critical functions here you'll determine which business functions are essential for continued operations.

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Two, an emergency response plan.

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So develop a plan for responding to different types of emergencies, including natural disasters, cyber attacks and pandemics.

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And three, a communication plan.

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Establish clear communication channels for informing employees, customers and stakeholders during a crisis.

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The number eight tip is kind of a no-brainer, and that's to stay compliant with regulations.

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Staying compliant with local, state and federal regulations can help you avoid legal risks and fines.

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So think about conducting regular compliance audits to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and then train your employees on compliance requirements and best practices.

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Now, risk mitigation is not a one-time task.

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It requires ongoing monitoring and review.

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So the last tip is to continuously assess new and existing risks to your business and review and update plans by regularly reviewing and updating your risk management and business continuity plans.

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By implementing these strategies, you can better protect your business and ensure its long-term success.

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Remember, risk is a part of doing business.

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You really can't get away from it, but with the right approach, you can manage and minimize it effectively.

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Well, that about wraps up another edition of the Things Entrepreneurs Should Know podcast.

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Be sure to check out our website at teskpodcom, where you can find the show notes, an archive of our past episodes and other resources to help grow your business.

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That's teskpod.

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And if you haven't done so already, I'd really appreciate if you take just one minute to give us a review on Apple Podcasts or rate us on Spotify.

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It helps out a lot to get this to more entrepreneurs and business owners.

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And if you've already done that, please consider sharing this show with family and friends who you think would get something out of it, as always.

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Thank you for your support.

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This is Chip Schweiger reminding you that if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten.

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We'll see you down the road.